“Crucial to finding the way is this:
there is no beginning or end.
You must make your own map.”


I am a licensed marriage and family therapist and breath-work facilitator based in the Bay Area. I utilize integrative practices to support my clients in releasing negative beliefs, processing difficult emotions, healing past wounds and cultivating a deeper sense of meaning in their lives. While a lot of the work I do requires delving into the murky stuff, I like to make room for laughter, connection, and joy. 


Prior to opening this practice, I spent a number of years working in community mental health settings with marginalized youth and families. This work challenged me to think critically about the limitations of psychotherapy as a stand-alone practice and further explore other holistic approaches to wellness. While I trained in western psychotherapy, I stray away from the medical illness/pathology model, as it is rooted in patriarchal and supremacist values that often serve to invalidate experiences and expressions of emotion that fall outside of those deemed appropriate in western culture. I am committed to helping my clients to develop and trust their inherent capacities for healing through self-discovery, acceptance & compassion.

While I identify as a therapist and wellness practitioner, I also identify as a child of a multicultural and blended family, a Bay Area native, a daughter of a single immigrant mother, a sister, an auntie, a friend.

I am also a recovering people pleaser, a boundaries advocate, a woman of color still learning to liberate myself, an imperfect and growing person.

Like you, I am a nuanced human in bloom.



Thank you, to my clients - past, present, and future - for allowing me to witness your lives and for trusting me to guide you.